We have been asked by many to share our thoughts on how the opening weekend of golf went at the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale.
In summary, Private golf clubs in Scottsdale saw over 495 members enjoying the club for a round of golf with fellow members, and yes, practicing on newly over seeded 328 Bermuda turf on the tee.
We realize it might have seemed like the practice park was being renovated for a long time, but we believe it was worth the wait at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale. We plan on opening the putting green and short game areas in time for the Rodeo, our member -member tournament this Winter, provided the weather continues to cooperate.
The Private golf clubs in Scottsdale over seeding went well with no major damage from the one and only monsoon we had this summer.
The greens were running at 11 and ½ on the stimpmeter on Friday. This was as fast as we opened with in many years and the result of not over seeding the greens for the third year.
Over the last few years at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale we made a concerted effort to improve the Bermuda grass on all turf areas which enabled us to over seed at a higher rate of 750 pounds per acre which is more rye grass than in many years.
As a reminder, the 2020 over seeding dates at Scottsdale golf club are one week later than this year to take advantage of the best weather to over seed.
We have worked diligently with the Agronomy Scottsdale golf club department to do what we could to keep carts off paths as soon as possible after over seeding but we need your cooperation.
PLEASE drive in the primary non- over seeded rough the entire length of the hole except when crossing the fairway to get to the other side.
We don’t want to go back to paths so, until we get the word we can drive anywhere, we need to follow the Scottsdale golf club Agronomy request.
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should” was the stance we took to not open the short course named the HORSESHOE over the weekend.
In short, we want to have the greens mature a little bit longer until it might be open when we host the Rodeo in a few weeks.
PRIDE OF MEMBERSHIP at Scottsdale golf club
We went out on some of the greens mid weekend and it looked as if a reminder of the clubs’ adopted course plan of Pride of membership which is, out of respect to all other golfers, fix ball marks on every green. The easiest way to fix one is to push the outside of the blemish to the center and tap it with the bottom of your putter.
Rake the bunker smoothly after your shot, first pull the sand toward your blemish and then push the sand over the area to smooth the depression, and rake your way out of the bunker.
The last of the main points is to fill the fairway divot with sand and seed from the divot bottles on the carts or from buckets on tees.
DO NOT fill divots in the rough as the bottled sand also contains seed which we don’t want in non over seeded rough.
This is a reminder to our push cart users at Scottsdale golf club to abide by some simple rules to follow when you play.
Push carts are not to cross over or park or cross over any tees on the practice range or course.
Stay outside all green surrounds and never on collars or greens.
We need to keep them approximately 30 feet from green complexes and approaches.
These are in place so as not to create tire tracks in play areas, mostly in proximity of the greens.
As in years past we permit the Agronomy team to complete project work such as fertilizing, verticutting and topdressing greens, putting out chemical applications etc., on Monday mornings before we open the 1/10 th tee times at 11;30 until 1:20.
Please understand we have to give this team ample time to preserve the proper Scottsdale private golf courses conditions we all enjoy.
Lastly, We will do whatever possible to maintain a pace of play at 4 hour or less for the enjoyment of all player.
Let’s all do our part to make each other’s member and golf experiences a memorable one at Scottsdale golf club.
A premier Scottsdale Golf Club as well as Country Club, The Country Club at DC Ranch is an ideal place to celebrate with friends & families together to enjoy the memorable times. This Scottsdale Golf club possesses extensive activities including golf, tennis, fitness, swimming, variety of social events & extraordinary dining venues.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Enjoy the Start of the Winter Season
Monday, December 2, 2019
Scottsdale private golf courses Opened a Par 3 Course for the last Holidays
Scottsdale Golf Club proud to see so many members and guests with tee times over the holidays and for the opening of the Horseshoe Par 3 course. Tee times are available to members on ForeTees from 10am to 2:00pm. Though the private golf clubs in Scottsdale Golf Shop and Player Service operations closed at 2pm, there are tee times available after 2pm. Scottsdale private golf had a first-come & first-served procedure for all tee times desired after 2pm by way of a physical tee sheet held on the first hole of the Scottsdale Golf Club Horseshoe, which is located in the teaching area of the driving range (southwest corner) Scottsdale private golf courses recommend for players to take three to five clubs onto the Horseshoe instead of the entire golf bag.
Important Notices
Scottsdale Golf Club Players that expect to be on the Horseshoe after 2pm are prepared to bring their clubs home with them after their round, as the Golf Staff will be heading home to enjoy the Holiday festivities at this time.
To gain access to the Horseshoe course on ForeTees, please follow these steps:
- Log into ForeTees
- Click the following sequence: Tee Time--> Make,View, or Change Tee Times
- Click on November 28th from the prompted calendar
- From the drop down menu that defaults to “DC Ranch 18,” select “The Horseshoe 9.”
- Choose your desired tee time.
To make Opening Day at Scottsdale private golf courses and all Horseshoe play days as successful as possible, we wanted to share the following information with the Scottsdale Golf Club membership.
- Walking only
- Tee times at Scottsdale private golf courses will be in 7 minute increments
- Groups are limited to foursomes or less
- Twosomes will be paired together
- The guest fee for family guests and accompanied guests on the Horseshoe is $20
- Please take pride in the Horseshoe by filling tee box divots with the sand and seed mix provided, as well as fixing multiple ball marks on each green
- Horseshoe scorecards will have a map of the golf course on the back for better navigation.
Again, thank you to the membership and staff for their continued support for Club improvements like the Horseshoe. They truly set DC Ranch apart from the rest.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Scottsdale golf club DEMO DAY
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale hosted a multi-vendor demo day last Saturday, October 19th from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM. Club manufacturers had their most recent products for you to try and compare against others utilizing Trackman and other launch monitors at Scottsdale golf club.
“THE HORSESHOE” opening has been delayed to give the greens at Scottsdale golf club more time to grow and mature to the point they are ready for play. We hope to have it ready by early November. The greens received some late monsoon damage and golf course maintenance is doing their best to get them fully recovered before we open it. Private golf clubs in Scottsdale will keep you informed when it will open. The recent schedule for it called for the practice park at Scottsdale golf club to close last Wednesday and Sunday afternoons at 2:00 PM, thus making the Horseshoe available for play at 3:00 PM. Electric golf carts will not be permitted as it is a walking only park at 816 yards.

As we wind down the year, it was as active as any year at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale and we are pleased with the support and participation of all of our tournaments and championships. We have to be careful so as not to saturate the starting times with events. Scottsdale golf club will continue to look at the best events and times, and free up starting times for those who choose not to participate in them.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Scottsdale Private golf courses Golf carts and Pushcarts
Scottsdale golf club has entered into a new 3 year golf cart lease with Club Car and they arrived this past week. They have the latest technology to include USB charging ports in addition to Bluetooth compatible speakers which are now standard features in all carts at Scottsdale Private golf courses.
Scottsdale Private golf courses has purchased additional push carts this year that will be available at the start of the season. Once again we ask those who use them to keep the push carts away from the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale greens, collars and approaches, not crossing or parking on tees, including the practice tees and short game areas. During this summer at Scottsdale golf club we widened and cleared many of the walking paths around the course for your convenience.

Monday, October 14, 2019
Golf Instruction at Scottsdale Private golf courses
With all the requests for new and better golf instruction programs we’ve been receiving, it’s been our mission to revamp our entire lesson at Scottsdale Private golf courses programs over the summer. We’ve adopted golf instruction software called Operation 36 which incorporates playing as a major component of the lesson program. This program will also allow us to track our Scottsdale golf club student’s progress, to help us objectively see improvement, and provide drills and practice plans over a phone app interface.
Starting with the juniors… On Tuesday, October 15th at 4:30 PM in the Ranch House, we will have a junior golf orientation for Scottsdale golf club juniors and parents of juniors between the ages of 6-15. Our goal is to break down the curriculum and new structure of our junior program. We would like to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our young golfers at Scottsdale golf club. This season we want to have fun and create as many new golfers as possible and grow the game that we love at Scottsdale Private golf courses.
The ladies’ clinics at Scottsdale Private golf courses will continue and will also adopt our Operation 36 programming. In the past, our clinics have been structured the same year to year. This year, in an effort to significantly improve our Scottsdale golf club players, we want to track our progress and lower your scores. This will take work from both ends, but we promise that if you commit to us, we will commit to you!
Beginner ladies’ at private golf clubs in Scottsdale will continue on Mondays at 1:00 PM. This is open to all ladies, whether you play golf or not. This clinic is geared to be fun and not only teach you the fundamentals of the swing and short game, but also lower your scores through course management. Operation 36 will play a big role in these clinics and on-course play. Whether playing on the Horseshoe or Scottsdale golf club big course, it will assist in tracking your progress.
Advanced ladies’ clinics will be on Wednesdays at 1:00 PM and will still be a clinic style set-up with programming that will incorporate practice drills and games to help everyone learn to improve their game with us or on their own.
Scottsdale Private golf courses is adding new men’s clinics and beginner clinics open to all, on alternating Saturdays at 10:00 AM. This will involve clinic style set-up as well as practice and drills. We want to set you up for success and track your progress along the way.
Golf fitness is coming back once again as we have been working hard with our Health and Fitness Director, Danielle Fryer, to improve our training programs. This schedule will come out shortly. We think of ourselves as your team and together we will improve your swing by improving how your body moves.
Scottsdale golf club Super Speed Golf and acquired speed training sticks for men, women and juniors to improve your swing speeds and gain more yards off the tee.
Private lessons are available to all and we’ve acquired a couple of new instructors with experience to help us all improve.
Please see the golf staff to book a lesson and inquire about lesson rates.
Please be reminded to check with your professional staff before you make your hard good purchases as we will meet or beat any price in town.
In closing, we are looking forward to another great year at Scottsdale Private golf courses, creating many new friendships and memories with your family and friends during this coming winter season.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Season to start at Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale
It is amazing how fast me flies here at Scottsdale Golf Club. I truly cannot believe that we are entering our fall overseed of the golf course at the end of the month. Fortunately, this also means that we are on the tail end of phase II construction on with the new Ladies Lounge and Board Room being completed in what was previously the fitness space. Now we have the grow in of the practice park and The Horseshoe, along with a refresh of the old Board Room which will be converted into the Private Dining Room. Thankfully that will mark the end of our improvements from Phase II construction and we can focus on further enhancing the offerings that are in place around the Club. For those Members that have been around throughout the summer, thank you for your feedback and support of the Scottsdale Golf Club. For those of you who have yet to enjoy these new enhancements, we look forward to seeing you back at Scottsdale Golf Club in the coming weeks. We have seen a nice flow of traffic in our new areas, especially the use of the Scottsdale Golf Club Fitness center throughout the day, including the increase in participation on group classes.
During the month of September, we will continue our full schedule of offerings in the Main Clubhouse and the Ranch House. At the beginning of the month we will be hosting our Summer Golf Member-Guest signature event. With many Members being back in town after their summer vacations, I would recommend making advanced reservations in our dining outlets so that we can properly prepare for each day of service. As a reminder, we will close Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale for overseeding. Please keep in mind that the other amenities will remain open during the Scottsdale private golf courses closure. On Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale Governance news, the Board and Management are working on the update of our Club’s Strategic Plan. We will conduct a thorough review of member usage data, the recently completed member satisfaction survey, as well as Club Industry Trends through the process as we look to update our strategic initiatives es (that were last fully updated in late 2016). Fortunately, we have achieved many of these objectives and we want to develop a further road map as we head into the next 5 to 10 years as a Club. The Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale, Board will be holding an offsite session during the month of September to review our current status and set the plan in order to best position Scottsdale Golf Club, The Country Club at DC Ranch for the future. Speaking of the member satisfaction survey, we received feedback from over 540 members, which was a tremendous response.
At first glance the feedback showed a very satisfied membership with over 94% showing their overall satisfaction of the Club and a net promoter score of over 55, which is seen as excellent in our industry. With that being said, there are some definite opportunities at Scottsdale Golf Club that presented themselves for improvement and we will be working on identifying solutions. Fortunately, these opportunities are not widespread, given the overall satisfaction shown by the membership, but rest assured we will take these head on to increase the level of member satisfaction! Please stay tuned in the coming weeks for a further outline of the survey results that will be made available for the Club website. It is full steam ahead here at Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale and we are ready to show what we have been working on this summer. Our expectation is to continue to take the member experience at Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale to an enhanced level in all areas and with the ongoing training throughout this Summer and early Fall, I believe you will see the difference when you return. Wherever you may be at the moment, enjoy what is left of summer ...and know that the entire staff is extremely excited to see you all back on the Ranch for the Winter season!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale Announces 2020 Inter-club Season
The Scottsdale Golf Club Men’s Interclub season is coming up quickly. If you would like to be part of the DC Ranch Team, please let us know.
There are 12 Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale that participate in our interclub. We split into North and South divisions. Each division will compete 6 times, once at each club in their division. This year we are in the Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale South Division which consists of DC Ranch, Desert Highlands, FireRock CC, Troon CC, Boulders GC and Paradise Valley CC.
The cost per event is $100 per player. This includes guest fees, lunch and dinner at each of the Scottsdale private golf courses
Format: Each Private Golf Clubs in Scottsdale team will split into 5 pairs. Each pair will play a Net Better Ball with Stableford scoring. Par is worth 2 points, Birdies = 3, Eagles = 4, Double Eagle = 5, Bogeys = 1 and Double Bogey or higher = 0. All 5 two partner scores will be combined for our team score. The team score will be added to our total team Score after each match for our season long total. The 2 highest scoring teams at the end of the Scottsdale Golf Club season will play off with the North Division for the Championship.
The Scottsdale Golf Club , The Country Club at DC Ranch Team won the Interclub Championship in 2018!!! Let’s win it again!
If you would like to be part of the Scottsdale Golf Club team, please contact JT Hamamoto. Attached is the schedule for the season. Matches are during the week and usually start around 12:00 pm with lunch at 10:30 am and Dinner/Scoring ending at 6:30 pm.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Summer Project Updates
Scottsdale Golf Club is firmly in the middle of summer with the hot temps waiting on the humidity to rise for monsoon season. Thank you to all for your patience around the Scottsdale Golf Club the past few weeks as we begin to put the final touches on the phase II master plan enhancements at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale The strain of repaving the Scottsdale Golf Club parking lot was quite a hassle for many of us around the Club this past month, however, it was a necessity given the issues with the parking lot cracks being very present. The original lot lasted over 20 years and other than seal coating the lot a few times, it had gone virtually untouched since the was built.
While there is never a good time to do these types of projects, it made the most sense to have it done following the Scottsdale Golf Club fitness center and pool refresh. In the coming weeks you can look forward to the complete on of the renovation of the ladies’ lounge, which is expected to be done by the first week of August. We had a bit of delay in the timing as we decided to replace the HVAC units and duct-work in the space which wasn’t originally expected, however, we determined this was a good time to replace the split units as the ceiling and walls in the area were opened up. Once that part of the project is complete, we will move to the final refresh of the Boardroom in the main Clubhouse, which hasn’t seen a face lift in a number of years. Other than having the room out of use for a few weeks, there should be very little impact to daily service at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale.
We will have the new ladies card room available for play during that time and for meeting needs we will have the new Boardroom upstairs available. In other Club news, we want to make sure that as many members as possible complete the recently distributed Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Member Satisfaction Survey, which is key to the Club in its future Strategic Planning efforts. You should have received that email via email from our partner in this project, Global Golf Advisors. If for some reason you did not receive and electronic link to the survey, please contact Cheri Farias and she will be able to help you with the proper link. This survey process is key to us understanding areas of opportunity and give the Club a strong direction for future needs. Once the survey is completed and the results tabulated, the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Board with then work with management to update its strategic initiatives. You can expect to see those shared with the Scottsdale Golf Club membership in the Fall. Thank you in advance to all members who participate in this very important process as this helps the Board and Management align in creating the best experience possible. In addition to updating the strategic plan, the Management team is currently working on the operating budgets for FY2020 and we expect to have this reviewed and approved during the July and August time-frame.
As we come to the conclusion of the phase II enhancements, the Scottsdale Golf Club is also once again updating its Capital Asset Plan with Club Bench-marking which provides the Club an important 20-year timeline for the replacement of our many assets at the Club. This is key to our future planning for future capital needs so that we have the funds necessary to keep the standards of the Club in place. As Scottsdale private golf courses continue to grow and evolve we need to keep an eye on this as while we are a member owned Club, we are also a roughly $13.5 million business annually that sees many of the ever increasing costs to operate that many of you see in your own businesses. As we prepare for the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Fall Season, we are in full planning mode on the annual calendar which will have many of your favorite events back in the fold along with many new fun options. Please keep in mind that we will have our opening weekend following overseed on October 18th with Golf and a party, followed by a weekend of events. Among other things, you will see the new Golf Practice park opening along with the unveiling of our new short course “The Horseshoe.”
Stay tuned for more details on all of the festivities but make sure to have opening weekend on your calendars! Thanks to everyone for their continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the Ranch soon.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Making Golf all about Fun and Fast at Scottsdale Golf Club

Members at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale are busier than ever and want an opportunity to play even if they do not have 4 hours to commit. This is a perfect fit. Those golfers new to Private golf clubs in Scottsdale, may be intimidated to play a traditional course. The short course will allow for a fun opportunity to learn and enjoy the game. The Horseshoe will feature the same tif eagle Bermuda grass putting surface greens like we have on Private golf clubs in Scottsdale. Fronting these 9 greens, we will be adding sand bunkers for a similar look that members would experience on a traditional Scottsdale private golf courses. See you on the Horseshoe!
Monday, July 29, 2019
Scottsdale Country Club Summer Tennis Schedule
The final week of June our Scottsdale Golf Club Adult Tennis Camp. We had a lot of fun that week learning a different specialty shot each day as well as playing a lot of fun doubles drills and games.
Scottsdale Country Club Camp ran from 8:30-10:00 a.m. Tuesday-Friday. They signed up for 1, 2, 3 or 4 days. Cost is $30 per day or $100 for the week.
Please sign up on Scottsdale Golf Club Fore-tees as we just have 15 spots each day and we also need to plan for how many tennis professionals to have on court as well.

Desert Mountain Tennis Social
Please welcome our guests from Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Desert Mountain for a fun morning of tennis, food and drinks. We will play several rounds of fun tennis. We need to have a minimum of eight ladies signed up by Wednesday afternoon so please get signed up right away. It will be a fun morning of tennis and another beautiful day at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale.
There are still spaces available for the last week 1 and 3 of the junior sports camp for kids age 9-14. Week 2 and 4 are filling up quickly. They had a fun, active camp for kids at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale.
Typical Camp Day at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale
8:20-8:30 a.m. Check in at the tennis courts
8:30 a.m. Fun tennis on the courts
9:30 a.m. Golf with the golf staff
10:30 a.m. Snack break
10:45 a.m. Tennis and pickle-ball games
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:00-1:30 p.m. Sports and other activities including the Hideout
1:30 p.m. Swimming
2:30 p.m. Pick up at the pool
The camp led by Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Head Tennis Professional, Ryan Shomo. You do not need to be a seasoned tennis or golf player to do the camp!
Monday, July 15, 2019
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale starts Construction on New Golf Facilities
A few months ago in the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale club newsletter we mentioned our excitement about embarking on the beginning of our summer golf project of renovating our practice park, with the first phase of enhancements beginning June 3rd. In that initial communication of the enhancements, we shared some pictures of a new short game renovation on the south side of the range as well as the main practice tee. In addition Scottsdale golf club plans to upgrade all the target greens on the entire practice field, at specific distances so you can add more function to your practice sessions.
So what does this entail for Scottsdale golf club?
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale will be spraying the turf for the purpose of prepping the grass on the practice tees prior to construction which will take place over the next 6-8 weeks. Following this prepping , you will see the existing turf turn brown over the next few days . This will start the process leading to the reshaping of the area. You will still be able to practice and warm up before play as usual
The Private golf clubs in Scottsdale short game area as it will not be renovated on the north end of the range will be available from 7:00am until 6:00 pm on Tuesdays through Sundays. The putting only green by the men’s grill will be available during those days as well. Please understand that if for no other reason than for your safety in a construction zone, we must keep the entire work site closed at certain times. With the fact that we are updating most all of the Scottsdale private golf courses including the south tee, range floor and short game area, unfortunately there is no way we could enable full swing practice during construction.
What will be accomplished during this closure of the Scottsdale private golf courses?
The short game area at Scottsdale private golf courses will be remodeled to include an 8500 square foot putting only green, greenside and fairway bunkers for group or individual practice, not to mention chipping and pitching greens offering various grasses and lies to improve that part of your game. We will design nine (9) tif eagle Bermuda grass putting surface greens ( The same type as what the greens are on the course) on the range floor to double as target greens at specific yardages from the main tee. The short course greens will be in play for juniors as well as fun competition days when we can close the practice area some afternoons. Fronting these 9 greens, we will be adding sand bunkers for a similar look as to what you would experience on the main golf course. The main south practice tee at Scottsdale private golf courses will be enlarged in depth and width to enable more players an opportunity to practice off a new 328 Bermuda type turf.
We can assure you we will open this entire area as soon as it is fully grown in and ready for practice.
Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you apprised with our progress throughout the construction phase of your practice facility.
So what does this entail for Scottsdale golf club?
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale will be spraying the turf for the purpose of prepping the grass on the practice tees prior to construction which will take place over the next 6-8 weeks. Following this prepping , you will see the existing turf turn brown over the next few days . This will start the process leading to the reshaping of the area. You will still be able to practice and warm up before play as usual
The Private golf clubs in Scottsdale short game area as it will not be renovated on the north end of the range will be available from 7:00am until 6:00 pm on Tuesdays through Sundays. The putting only green by the men’s grill will be available during those days as well. Please understand that if for no other reason than for your safety in a construction zone, we must keep the entire work site closed at certain times. With the fact that we are updating most all of the Scottsdale private golf courses including the south tee, range floor and short game area, unfortunately there is no way we could enable full swing practice during construction.
What will be accomplished during this closure of the Scottsdale private golf courses?
The short game area at Scottsdale private golf courses will be remodeled to include an 8500 square foot putting only green, greenside and fairway bunkers for group or individual practice, not to mention chipping and pitching greens offering various grasses and lies to improve that part of your game. We will design nine (9) tif eagle Bermuda grass putting surface greens ( The same type as what the greens are on the course) on the range floor to double as target greens at specific yardages from the main tee. The short course greens will be in play for juniors as well as fun competition days when we can close the practice area some afternoons. Fronting these 9 greens, we will be adding sand bunkers for a similar look as to what you would experience on the main golf course. The main south practice tee at Scottsdale private golf courses will be enlarged in depth and width to enable more players an opportunity to practice off a new 328 Bermuda type turf.
We can assure you we will open this entire area as soon as it is fully grown in and ready for practice.
Thank you for your understanding and we will keep you apprised with our progress throughout the construction phase of your practice facility.
Friday, June 21, 2019
Soft opening at Scottsdale private golf courses
The Ladies Desert Diamond Classic just wrapped up at Scottsdale private golf courses and what a month it was! I can’t say that I have ever seen Scottsdale private golf courses busier that it’s been recently. I know part of that has to do with the completion of Phase II and all of the construction work, but we are again experiencing record type numbers in golf rounds, tennis and food & beverage activity!
Your ongoing support of Scottsdale private golf courses continues to impress me each and every day. I also know that when the new pool comes online at the end of the month of May and the opening of the new fitness center, we will also see record participation there. The buzz amongst the Scottsdale private golf courses new offerings is so great as everyone can’t wait to see how everything has turned out. I for one, can’t wait to see how this changes the way our members use the Scottsdale private golf courses on a daily basis.

not allowed at the pool during the soft opening of the pool area during certain times. Buffet food service has been offered during limited times until the Grand Opening. Scottsdale golf club sent additional information about what you can expect when we opened the new facilities, including the hours of operation, services and rules and regulations which have all been updated by club management and committees. All members and guests need to adhere to all of these so please read through this newsletter and other publications to become more familiar with them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Scottsdale Country Club busy Season
As a part of my monthly reminder, I wanted to once again encourage everyone to make advanced reservations at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale in our dining outlets especially during our dinner service each week. Private golf clubs in Scottsdale are in a busy time of year, not making reservations in our dining outlets only negatively impacts your fellow members who have made reservations to dine at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale. For those who have helped us in this effort, of which there are many, I would once again like to thank you immensely. As you know there are many ways that you can make reservations, from Open Table on your smartphones and computers to calling the Concierge or Dining Hosts to make reservations. As you know our goal is to continue to provide the best dining of Private golf clubs in Scottsdale experience possible at your Club, but we do need your help to make this happen!
While it is a good time to reflect on the fact that it been a very successful fall and winter season at Scottsdale Private Golf Courses, we cannot look back and instead we are working on the finishing touches of what will be a summer full of offerings in a place where The Fun Never Ends. Our goal at the Club is to keep focusing on the future so that we can make today the best member experience possible. Please enjoy the warm spring weather and I look forward to seeing you all at the Club soon!
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Summer at Scottsdale Country Club
At Scottsdale Country Club we are at the end of what I would call a very successful Winter season here at the Club, ready to head into our next season of fun where we fully launch our phase II enhancements. Despite the many inconveniences that construction brought the Scottsdale Country Club, especially as it pertained to the amount of parking, everyone was able to enjoy another Season at the Ranch. May is primed to be yet another busy month at Scottsdale Country Club. Scottsdale Country Club kick off the excitement at the Club as we will also enter into the final demo of our Phase II enhancements in the old fitness center and Ladies Lounge. While some of you may be leaving for the summer season, I can assure you that we will have plenty going on here at the Scottsdale Country Club for those of you staying with us here in Scottsdale. For those that will be leaving the Scottsdale golf club for the summer, we will be sure to keep you updated as to the completion of construction, which we expect in the Clubhouse to be middle July. We will then start of the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale practice facility enhancements, which you have heard about from Dick Hyland, in June and taking us into the Fall for completion.
As we enter our summer season you will continue to see full hours of operation at the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale" , as we aim to keep those who will remain in the Scottsdale area dialed in. For instance, our ever popular Taco Tuesday will be moving back to the Pool and will remain there through the summer season. The Ranch House will be brought online fully this summer and will be open for breakfast Saturday and Sunday, lunch Tuesday through Sunday and dinner Tuesday through Saturday. You will be hearing about these and more exciting events a Private golf clubs in Scottsdale during the coming weeks, but please know today that we are maintaining our hours of operation throughout May with the exception of closing on Mondays in order for the Maintenance team to work on the Scottsdale private golf courses after a busy winter of play. The continued extension of our operations at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale is poised to provide a tremendous amount of fun, family and friendliness so please make sure to see the coming communications from Cheri Farias.
Please remember that as we open the new facilities at Scottsdale golf club and bring them fully operational, it is very important that everyone including your guests are aware of the updated rules and regulations which were put into place by the various Club committees and endorsed by your Board of Directors. It is also important to know that your Club staff is fully aware of these updated rules and will be enforcing them accordingly in the coming weeks. We ask that if you encounter and issues with another member not conforming to our rules, please inform the staff rather than trying to do so yourself. Your support and cooperation with this is greatly appreciated!
We hope you enjoy the new facilities and please let us know if you have any feedback for us!
Monday, March 25, 2019
Scottsdale golf club Spring Season
As we get into our busy spring season here at Scottsdale golf club, I hope that the inclement weather that we experienced through the month of February is firmly behind us! The next few months will be very exciting at Scottsdale golf club as we have a number of social events, tennis and golf tournaments and completion the fitness center and pool areas which are expected to open Easter weekend. A few of the upcoming Scottsdale golf club events planned during the month include the second annual Blues, Brews & BBQ Social on the 2nd, the Taste of the Ranch on the 22nd, Ladies and Men’s Golf Club Championships, and then ending the month with the Premier Ladies Golf Event, The Desert Diamond Classic the 25th through the 28th. These are only a few of the many exciting events during the month so please be sure to review the Club Calendar that is sent out with this newsletter.
Thank you to the many Scottsdale golf club members that voiced interest in serving your Club on the Finance, House, Tennis, Membership, Golf & Grounds and the newly formed Fitness & Wellness Committee. We were once again able to put together a diverse group of Private golf clubs in Scottsdale members, some serving the Club for the first time as well as many that have served over the years. This year we again implemented a mandatory orientation for the new committee members so that we were could set forth the expectations for each committee member and outline the 2019 goals and objectives for each committee. As many of you know, this is an important way for us to identify potential future Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Board members. The partnership that these committees have formed with the management team over the years is one of the main reasons for the success of the Club over the years.
As we lead up to the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale phase II enhancements you will be seeing a number of announcements through email, newsletter and Ranch Roundup regarding the new hours of operation for the new facilities and well as the rules and regulations regarding the same. As a reminder, when we finish the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale construction on the pool and fitness facilities, we will then move into the expansion of the lady’s locker room and the addition of a meeting room on the second floor, which will take the place of the current fitness center. That portion of the project will take place through June, which will then take us to the south driving range enhancements this summer and finally the re-paving of our driveway and parking lot which was scheduled through our regular capital asset plan. Please know that we appreciate your support through the home stretch and for those inconvenienced by a very busy parking lot during this winter season, we also appreciate your patience.
As you can see, there continue to be many great things happening here at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale. The Club remains vibrant, with an engaged membership, a growing waitlist of those prospective members looking to join the Club and a team of staff members looking to continue moving the needle to ensure that Scottsdale Private Golf Courses continues to be seen as the preeminent Club in the Valley. Please note that in the coming months as we work towards an update of our Scottsdale golf club Strategic Plan, you will be asked to complete an operational survey so that we can continue improving as a Club and tailoring our membership offerings to the needs of the membership. We are always looking to hear from our members and their experiences so that we can continue enhancing the level of member experience at your Club!
Friday, March 15, 2019
Scottsdale private golf course to open new Fitness and Performance Center
How excited are YOU for the grand opening of the Scottsdale private golf course new fitness and performance center? Me too! As we forge forward with planning operations, we have a continuous goal to host fitness programming that offers something for everyone at Scottsdale private golf course
. Below, you will find a few, not all, with class description to come. The full-service menu and their descriptions will be posted to our website in early April, along with our first quarter fitness class schedule for Scottsdale private golf course.
Complimentary classes at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale
- Daily Wellbeats® Fitness classes on demand via a 70-inch TV screen (Spin, Zumba, Barre, and many more)
- Guided Meditations (M-Sat.)
- Wellness Seminars
- Weekly outdoor cycling rides during optimal months.
- Weekly Facility Orientation.
Group Fitness at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale
- Yoga (i.e. yoga basics, golf yoga, yoga flow, family yoga-all ages)
- Golf Stretch Improve your strength and flexibility of the muscles used most during golf. Done regularly, these specific exercises will improve your overall general fitness and significantly enhance your golf game.
- TRX Using webbing called a "suspension trainer" allows users to work against their own body weight. The field of suspension training is a form of resistance training that includes bodyweight exercises in which a variety of multi-planar, compound exercise movements can be performed for a total body sculpt!
- Aqua Fitness A FUN water workout in the new Scottsdale private golf course pool, that offers less impact on your back, shoulders and knees. This session will incorporate stretching, core and strength training in the pool, using water for resistance and comfort.
*24-hour enrollment is rewarded. $5 per class with 24-hour pre-enrollment, with a $20 no show charge. $15 walk in rate available if space is available.
Specialized Performance Training at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale
SMPT (Stability & Mobility Performance Training)
Affordable personal training for sports specific outcomes. These group classes offered at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale are designed to help increase golf and tennis performance. Strength, flexibility, balance, rotary power, core stability, mobility, speed, posture and endurance is consistent with specific training, to maximize lifestyle health, game consistency and decrease risk of injury. SMPT is a customized, small group workout, led by a performance coach, Monday through Saturday. These classes will strategically utilize the fitness & performance facility, including outdoor space, weather permitting. You may attend as many weekly sessions offered with your monthly enrollment! We ensure varying levels of fitness will be accommodated! Whether you want to train for golf performance, tennis performance, or lifestyle health and fitness, this specialized training class offers specific results, flexibility, affordability, accountability, and connection. 60 minutes.
- Enrollment includes a comprehensive baseline, group physical screen
- New program routines are designed around participants every 4-5 weeks for muscle adaptations
- 1:8 (trainer: client)
- Month to month enrollment
- Clients enroll for desired class dates, 7 days in advance of each week’s consistent schedule.
*$199/month (unlimited classes per month)
Junior’s SMPT certification—ages 12-15.
If your children under the age of 16, desires to use the new facility at Scottsdale Golf Club, this program is a regulated solution. Junior Stability & Mobility Performance Training offers our youth the opportunity to learn how to strength and use cardio equipment respectfully, in a performance facility. Students will learn foundational movement patterns that prepare and enhance their youthful bodies for lifestyle or sports specific fitness & performance training. Students will learn how to load properly, execute perfect form, and cultivate body awareness. Principle movements will include but are not limited to squatting, deadlifting, pushing, pressing, pulling, and dragging. Additionally, they will learn proper gym etiquette. After they have completed the certification process, they are signed off to be able to work out in the Club fitness and performance facility without a private trainer during staffed hours, before the regulated minimum age of 16.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Annual Meeting

It is hard to believe that we are in the middle of the winter season at the Scottsdale private golf course with the warm temperatures that we are seeing throughout the past few weeks. As you can imagine, this only helps increase the level of member participation in all areas of the Scottsdale private golf course It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Club’s annual meeting last month. For those of you who couldn’t be there, I’d like to share the results of our recent election and to welcome this year’s Scottsdale private golf course Board of Directors. We have two new directors joining the board this year: Allan MacDonald and Jim Patterson who have all been elected to three-year terms. For the coming year, your Club President will be Alan Sears who served as your Vice President this past year. Alan is very familiar with the Club governance and is committed to the following goals in 2019:
-Given the strong recent results of the Scottsdale private golf course operation, keep “what works working” - cash flow in balance and membership full. We don’t want to just protect values, we want to constantly enhance the member experience and opportunities.
-To successfully complete and open Private golf clubs in Scottsdale , Phase II with required new processes and operations adjustments with excellence.
-To review & update with full participation and feedback from every class of membership at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale the current Strategic Plan. Discerning what you, your families, and the next generation of families and members desire and need through surveys and focus groups, etc.
The remaining Scottsdale private golf course Board assignments for 2019 are as follows:
- Mr. John Roussel, Vice President/Treasurer – John will also serve as the Chair of the Finance Committee and Co-Chair of the Tennis Committee
- Mrs. Priscilla Johnson, Secretary– Priscilla will serve as Chair of the Membership Committee
- Mr. Ron Kruse – Ron will serve as the Immediate Past President and serve as Vice-Chair the Finance Committee
- Mr. Joe Girardi- Joe will Chair the Golf & Grounds Committee
- Mr. Bob Kline- Bob will Chair the House Committee
- Mrs. Janet Pennewell- Janet will Chair the newly formed Fitness & Wellness Committee
- Mr. Jim Patterson- Jim will serve as Vice Chair of the Membership Committee
- Mr. Allan MacDonald- Alan will serve as Vice Chair of the Golf Committee and co-chair of the Tennis Committee
As I stated at the Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Annual Meeting, I truly believe that we are in a solid position with an experienced leadership team, a strong financial position and an engaged and supportive membership which will continue to generate a buzz in the market as we aim to achieve even higher levels in 2019 and beyond. The expected April opening of the Phase II enhancements is sure to be exciting and please stay tuned for the coming information regarding the programming in these areas as well as the updated rules and regulations for each amenity. Please also keep in mind that the final stages of the project are the expansion of the Ladies Locker Room and the repaving of the parking lot, all of which is expected to be completed this summer.
I am pleased to announce that Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Employee Scholarship Foundation has been formed as a 501(c)3 organization and its initial Board of Directors is made up of Buck Braund (President), Jerry Kleven (Vice President), Tim Pfeiffer (Secretary), Doug Ideker (Treasurer), Allison Highmark, Odell L’Heureux and Mike Thorell. The Private golf clubs in Scottsdale Foundation Scholarship will provide educational funding for full-time employees, and dependents of full-time employees children and grandchildren), of the Country Club at DC Ranch. Scholarship awards are for one year of undergraduate college, university or trade/vocational school education that leads to an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, or license or certificate. We will begin fundraising efforts this spring for this exciting cause and due to how the organization was set up as a non-profit, contributions can be tax deductible. If you should have any questions about this exciting new program please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the people above or myself for further information.
We look forward to a busy next few months and know that you will enjoy all that our team has planned during this time. The calendar is packed with a number of golf, tennis and social events for your enjoyment so please make it a point to be here as much as possible!https://www.ccdcranch.com/lifestyle
Friday, February 22, 2019
Private golf clubs in Scottsdale enjoy Winter Golf
We had a fun Ladies Private golf clubs in Scottsdale tournament that took place January 20th and was really well received so I need to share the details.
It was the brainchild of Randi Elliott and Judy Etterman, who assigned the Tournament name of The Desert Camp Cup.
Originally it would be an Intra club competition with other Private golf clubs in Scottsdale thus a ten on ten with a Ryder Cup theme. It quickly grew to thirty and finally ended up with forty four players divided into two teams; the Scorpion's versus the Javelina's.
It started with a pairings party late on Saturday afternoon, which was attended by a vast majority of the contestants of Private golf clubs in Scottsdale.
I explained it was all about fun and camaraderie at Private golf clubs in Scottsdale and that the prize was a steak and lobster dinner for the winners and a bowl of Chile for the losers, nothing more!
The teams were drawn by myself and JT Hamamoto, followed by random pairings for the following Sunday’s afternoon competition.
Many of the ladies from Private golf clubs in Scottsdale were playing with someone they had never played with before from a which was in keeping with the theme.
Once the Scottsdale golf club teams were established, they each huddled with chants you might hear at a high school basketball game, which was fun to listen to for a while.
Sunday arrived with each team sporting team colors to show their collective spirit and off they went, using a format which awarded one point for the front nine scramble win, one for the select drive play your own ball out on the back nine and a third point for the overall.
The eleven matches were played at a nice pace and as the scores were coming in, something was unfolding in a way we could never had planned for, which was that we might have a tie at the end of the Scottsdale golf club competition.
We had one match left to finish, and we figured out if the Scorpion team won all three points, in fact both Scottsdale golf club teams would be tied at 16 ½ half points, and sure enough they did!
A putt-off ensued, and the Scorpion players won with a very close putt within 6 inches.
They then retreated to the Scottsdale golf club wine room to have the Scorpions enjoy the surf and turf dinner while all the Javalina team could enjoy was a bowl of Chili.
Both teams continued the evening with pictures, new friends and knowing they won this major championship with nothing more to win than a dinner.
In all my years of conducting Scottsdale golf club tournaments, I have never heard of any players having as much fun as they had, so on we will go to next year. The next thing you know, the guys will want a similar competition, but the question is, can they have as much fun as the ladies did with but a dinner on the line?
We certainly hope they can, so stay tuned.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Scottsdale Private Golf Courses will open its new Fitness and Performance center in April. There will be an emphasis on Golf Fitness, as physical and mental fitness have become a necessity for golfers, of any age, aspiring to optimize their golf game.
Can you discuss the importance of physical fitness for the golfer at Scottsdale Private Golf Courses? What about mental fitness?
JT: Developing a golf athlete’s rotational power in one of the most important functions to improving their game. There is a lot that goes into being able to swing with power from a physical stability and mobility aspect. As random fitness provides random results, the opposite is also true. Specific, physical fitness provides specific, physical results. Creating speed and power in the gym has a specific recipe. Physical fitness is not just about burning calories and losing weight. To create strength, cardiovascular, flexibility, speed and power, periodizing workouts is key.
Danielle: We all know the importance of going to the gym to get physically fit, but what we do to get mentally fit matters more! This is true because the body follows the brain, not vice versa. Mindfulness practices are worth investing your time, energy, and resources into. Take your mind to the gym, whether it be a home meditation cushion, writing self-inquiries in a journal, cognitive behavioral therapy, or enrolling in yoga classes that practice conscious breathing along with structural lengthening postures. There are numerous ways to connect, and that is what we are doing for our Members here at The Country Club at DC Ranch.
Danielle: Scottsdale Private Golf Courses aims to offer fitness for golfers with scientifically backed methods of exercises that are specific to golf athletes. Our fitness & performance professionals, along with our golf pro’s, want to improve drive, accuracy, and overall wellness and golf game. In the gym, we are set to offer small group classes that focus on golf specific exercises designed to help increase strength, flexibility, balance, rotary power, core stability, mobility, posture and endurance! We strive to create a golf fitness culture that is consistent with specific training, to maximize game consistency and decrease the risk of injury.
What will set the golf facilities and amenities at The Country Club at DC Ranch apart from other clubs?
JT: We have a lot of plans for Scottsdale Golf Club . We plan to renovate the practice facility entirely. This includes increase tee space, enhancing the short game and putting green areas as well as plans for a player development center. We will add more greens and redesign our practice areas with our performance center in mind. In our Performance Studio we plan to utilize cameras to video players’ swings, Trackman and other technologies to create the most advanced tech center in the area. We are working hard to develop programs that work well with the new fitness facility and all that it has to offer our golfers
Danielle: As a strength coach, I believe that a variety of equipment brands at our facility creates versatility for the majority, however, my choice of Keiser fitness equipment is my crown jewel. We are the first Country Club in Scottsdale to bring Keiser’s functional trainers, and other Keiser pieces to the private Club setting. What is unique about Keiser is that they use air technology instead of iron to engage the muscles, connective tissue, and joints. This allows for workout regimes necessary for sports specific training, like golf speed and power, to safely improve physical performance in ways not seen with traditional strength training methods.
JT: While the golf renovations at Scottsdale Golf Club are essential to getting our club to the forefront of clubs in the area, I think by having the fitness and sports training aspect that we can tie in to golf and tennis instruction is essential. The goal is to create better players by improving their movement; and it takes team work.
Danielle: Our amazing Scottsdale Golf Club Team! Our team truly loves to work together! We pride ourselves on group minded action plans to get the job done. It takes the Strength Coach, Sports Dietitian, Golf Professional, and other health experts here at our Club to shift the results. Leaning into one another as a group mind, truly gives the member an advantage to facilitate change where desired.
To Learn more about becoming a member at The Country Club at DC Ranch please contact Melanie Halpert, The Club’s Director of Membership and Marketing at info@ccdcranch.com or 480-342-7246
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