Monday, August 23, 2021

End of Summer at Country Clubs in Phoenix

As we go through the summer months, the management team at Scottsdale country clubs is busy planning for the winter and spring seasons with many of your favorite events as well as a number of new ones as we celebrate another fantastic year at Scottsdale tennis club. This social calendar will be made available to the membership at the beginning of September so that you can properly plan to be at the Club.  If you should have any questions regarding this information please don’t hesitate to contact me at your convenience. We look forward to a continued summer activities as we get closer to the fall season!

As they say we are now on the downhill of 2021 at Scottsdale country clubs.  We have wrapped up our annual aerification and top-dress program in July this year, which happened a month later than we have done in the past years.  It seemed to work in our favor with an early monsoon season coming about 4-5 days before the project started.  With the exception of a few days, we have had continued high humidity and dew points throughout the month of July.  We also had a bonus 3.5” of rain over a 4 day span.  This has been very beneficial for the turf recovery from the aerification process and also the transition from Ryegrass back to the Bermudagrass base.  Scottsdale country clubs will be focusing on the last remaining high traffic areas and old weak sodded areas over the next week or two with additional cultural practices and nutrient inputs until we have 100% recovery.  Overseed can be very damaging to our base crop of turf. This process scientifically will cause 15% turf loss alone without any other damaging factors (weather conditions, water, cart traffic, etc.)  Course wide we have 91 acres of turf, so according to the turf science experts we should have 13.5 acres of weak/void turf areas. I can say very confidently that we are well below even ½ acre of these types of areas across the whole course.  There is not one specific reason for this, but I do know that the decision to do a full overseed with the wall to wall one cut throughout the season was very helpful in making this possible.  

We are in process of making our first Pre-Emergent application in preparation for the winter season ryegrass control of the nuisance Poa Annua weed.  Also over the next few weeks we will be prepping for the two remaining tournaments of the summer at Country Clubs in Phoenix. (Ladies Scorcher and Men’s Inferno).  We are looking forward to seeing many of you around the course again for these popular events.  The third week of September, The Scottsdale Country Club will begin our annual prep for the overseed closure on September 27th. 

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