Before I talk about the best golf course in Scottsdale, I once again want to offer to visit with anyone who has any constructive ideas, questions, comments or concerns. You are encouraged to come visit with me, call or email me. I have mentioned many times, there is no place for unfounded rumors at the Scottsdale golf club and it can be very destructive.
I am anxious to hear from you. I can look in the mirror and know there are no hidden agendas from this professional staff, only the goal of meeting the wants and needs of as many golfers as possible with the hope they enjoy their round at Scottsdale golf courses
Among the many things I have learned over time at the best golf course in Scottsdale about the golf swing is there are no two of them that are absolutely identical.
There are many models that have been constructed based on sound principles, but there is no perfect swing.
There are a variety of different ways to swing but tried and true ones create a swing shape that is circular in nature and returns the club head to and through the impact area squarely so the ball can be hit toward your intended target.
There is no one swing that fits all as the physical makeup of most golfers is different and as well their athletic ability.
The only absolute you can make about golf swings is they are all at best similar, but not identical.
When I was learning there were some seemingly absolutes which to this day still hold true for everyone which are:
The placement of the hands on the grip of the club must be as critical as anything you do as it is all relative to the clubface being square through impact.
Too strong a grip promotes hooks and too weak encourages slices.
Add the path your club travels relative to your target line as another critical component to quality ball striking.
Your body alignment at the Scottsdale golf courses should start with a line across your shoulders, hips, knees and feet should be parallel with your swing line.
These are good starting points which should last a lifetime.
What we would like to avoid is sacrificing correctness for comfort.
You don’t want to have to maneuver and force yourself to manipulate the clubface through the impact area with the club travelling as fast as it can possibly move.
Keep your swing thoughts to a minimum, eliminate the use of words and sayings as “swing hard to get more power” using “force and effort”
“I need to drive my legs” and” twist my hips” ‘I should keep my head down” and “lead arm straight”
These are misleading terms which would be disagreed with by most instructors.
Don’t lose sight of the matter at hand which simply stated it is we are trying to SWING the club around our body as I said in a circular motion based on our stature and athletic ability.
People then ask if they should slow their swing down and I say an incorrect fast swing shape slowed down is an incorrect slow swing.
We need all the pre swing fundamentals in place so we can SWING the club as fast through the impact area as possible and make solid contact as we stay in balance, simple enough????
For those leaving for cooler climates for the next few months, have fun hit it solid and straight and above all, stay safe!!! We will miss you here at the best golf course in Scottsdale.
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