Lastly, we will be renovating and changing out the Scottsdale Private Golf Courses Bermuda grass on the south chipping green this summer. It will be sprigged with a new variety of Scottsdale Private Golf Courses Champion Bermuda grass named G12. This process should take 75 days from start to finish and be usable by September.
All of the endeavors will give us better playing surfaces year round, and we sincerely believe you will enjoy the improvements.
Our eventful May has come and gone and the reputation of our Scottsdale Golf Club golf course as a fair and challenging venue was borne out again by the results of two Open qualifying events. Men and women participants both were very complimentary of conditions and playability. Also, this summer’s Scottsdale Golf Club tee leveling project which started is moving along nicely and our Scottsdale Golf Club turf which was treated with a ryegrass removal product is showing signs of rye plants fading and disappearing. The Scottsdale Golf Club upper putting green conversion project will start early this month with the spraying out of the existing turf (overseeded Tifeagle). We will be re-sprigging it with the new Champion G12 bermudagrass later in the month. The green will be out of play for the most part of the summer. Starting on the 12th we will be aerating and topdressing our fairways, approaches, rough, and the Scottsdale Golf Club driving range and clubhouse lawns. We plan on completing this operation, weather permitting, before the end of the month. Aeration and topdressing are the most beneficial operations that we perform and ensures us continued quality playing surfaces. We will be collecting all the aeration plugs (green waste) and disposing of them appropriately.
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