When you see Percy and Mike Anderson around the, Scottsdale Golf Club please congratulate them for winning the Scottsdale Golf Club Couples Club Championship overall with some terrific teamwork with both rounds under par. Well done team Anderson! I have been asked to address a few topics which have come up over the last few weeks that need clarity:
Scottsdale Golf Club is pleased with our decision to add the use of push carts a few years ago, and we are even more pleased to see that so many of you enjoy this option. The Scottsdale Golf Club lends itself well to walking, and we hope to see our push cart rounds continue to climb as the years go by. An interesting fact for you -- 40% of all of our walking rounds at Scottsdale Golf Club are taken with a push cart! Having said this, there are guidelines with push carts that we need to stay true to, in the same sense that golf carts must follow specific operational rules. We ask that you and your friends continue to adhere to these rules as they are supported by your Scottsdale Golf Club Golf Committee and are attached to the handle of the cart to reference during your rounds.
We encourage you to bring guests to Scottsdale Country Club to enjoy a round of golf when possible, but please understand the following: You are welcome to reserve one starting time, not two per day if your goal is to play 36 holes in a day. It is our goal to see that everyone play one round before a group plays two rounds. You are welcome to play 36 holes and can do so after you have completed your first round, by checking with the Scottsdale Country Club golf shop staff. You as Scottsdale Country Club members are also welcome to bring a maximum of 3 guests, per round. These guests have no restrictions to their play other than Saturday mornings before 11:00 a.m. where play is reserved for member only.
Many golfers should be reminded that we will meet any price on clubs, bags or balls that you find at any store in the valley. Scottsdale Country Club also has the ability to order any products you may need, and can get any products anyone else can get. Due to limited inventory space in the golf shop, we often don’t have room to carry large quantities, but the option to special order items is extremely valuable. If you see a product from somewhere else, please ask us to help you with that purchase. We are glad to do so.

After a slower month around Scottsdale Country Club due to unusually wet weather, we rebounded this month and posted another month of better than budget rounds of golf and revenues. We expect that trend to continue at Scottsdale Country Club as there are many events planned at the Club during the month, from the Cliff Lede Wine Dinner, The Taste of the Ranch, and then ending the month with the premier Ladies Golf Event, The Desert Diamond Classic. These are only a few of the many exciting events during the month, so please be sure to review the Scottsdale Country Club calendar that is sent out with this newsletter. Thank you to the many members that voiced your interest in serving your Scottsdale Country Club on the Finance, House, Tennis, Membership, Golf & Grounds and Facilities Master Planning Committees. We were able to put together a diverse group of Scottsdale Country Club members, some serving the Scottsdale Country Club for the first time, as well as many that have served over the years. As many of you know, this is an important way for us to identify potential future Board members at Scottsdale Private Golf Courses The combination of the Scottsdale Private Golf Courses Golf and Greens and Grounds Committees has allowed us to add the important Facilities Planning Committee which will be looking at additional improvements to Scottsdale Private Golf Courses in the coming years. As we come to our 20th anniversary at the Club in 2018, it is important to look at what updates are necessary as we continue to evolve as a full-service family Club striving to maintain our mission of fun, family and friendliness. As a part of my monthly reminder, I wanted to once again encourage everyone to make advanced reservations at the Scottsdale Private Golf Courses. As you have read previously, doing so greatly enhances the level of service at Scottsdale Private Golf Courses that we are able to provide which we believe only enhances your Club experience. For those who have helped us in this effort, I would once again like to thank you immensely. There are many ways that you can make reservations, from Open Table on your smartphones and computers to calling the Concierge or Dining Hosts to make reservations. As you can see, there are many good things happening here at Scottsdale Private Golf Courses. The Club is quite vibrant, with an engaged membership enjoying their Club, and a team of staff members looking to continue moving the needle to ensure that The Country Club is seen as the preeminent Club in the Valley. Having attended the Arizona Golf Association Annual Awards where Jerry Mahanke was awarded the Updegraff Award along with over 30 of his friends from the Ranch cheering him on, it is amazing to see all of the comradery that the Club membership demonstrates. Couple that with my recent attendance at a regional Governance Summit on Scottsdale Private Golf Courses with Ron Kruse, Janet Pennewell and Rich Burger where our Club operation was the envy of the group, you all have a great deal to be proud of. Please keep up the good work as we aim to continue striving to be the best!